Wednesday 13 February 2013

#4 - Feels Like the End

One worries.
That confidence in self is not always well founded.
One worries.
That the subjectivity of understanding may well and truly spell disaster like it was the final round of the spelling bee.
One worries.
About being a stranger at ones own home.
One worries.
That in order to fuel dreams, one needs vision. And that vision ironically needs fuel too.
One worries.
About following roads one believes in, without ever truly knowing where it ends.
One worries.
About what happens if the end turns out to be different from the end so passionately envisioned.
One worries.
About the end.

It's funny how its always about the end and not about the way being walked in the present.
It's funny how the unknown end is always what scares us the most and at the same time, the intrigue it is shrouded in is what drives us towards it.
It's funny how it's always about the end.