Thursday 18 October 2012

#3 - On Pen and Paper

They say Kolkata is a city with a soul. Oh wait, that was Vir Sanghvi. Nevermind.
Lets just agree on the fact that he was right and there wont be any trouble.
Kolkata, on pen and paper of course, is a very polluted city. Has some very serious issues.
A lunatic woman calling the shots, transport strikes every other week  and a very buyable legal system topping the list of negatives.
What they wont tell you is, although non of the above is wrong, it is a far cry from the entire picture.
What about the Ganga, which I believe is the true symbol of the city in its laid back flow?
What about the flower market under the Howrah Bridge where colours assume new meaning?
What about the 12X7X365 frenzy at New Market?
What about Durga Pujo? Our more than adequate reply to any and every festival held anywhere in the world? What about them?

They say Kolkata is all about its people.
On pen and paper, it is how this city makes you feel that truly sets it apart.
I have told many people, who have shown interest in my beloved city, that there can be only 2
no-bullshit reactions to Kolkata. You either fall in love with it and welcome it with open arms as you would an old friend every time you come back, or you’ll hate it in no uncertain terms.

On pen and paper of course.

Monday 1 October 2012

#2 - By Default

It is no secret that I don't see myself in this country for longer than a few more months.
If it was, then it sure as hell isn't anymore.
The reason is simple enough.

I don't like how things work here.
Too much mediocrity.
However, I'd like it if you didn't assume that I think that I am above mediocre.
I am not. As a matter of fact, since I am presently part of the system where people are happy with their little worlds and are satisfied way too easily, I feel that I am mediocre too ... By default of course.

So coming back to my core point, mediocrity has taken over advertising in Kolkata.
We have copywriters screwing over art directors, we have art directors quoting amounts lesser than what his employer is quoting to the agencies' client and stealing that client away from the agency, we have scamming and scheming servicing execs ... In short we show all the signs we need to show to tell people, "Hey! Don't worry. We are morons, and we will stay morons as long as this entire structure doesn't collapse."

Here people don't believe in the new.
They'd rather do what others did.
And god forbid, someone tried being fresh in his approach towards anything ... "No Anish. This feels too unfamiliar. Remember what Levis did in 1998 ..."


Some of you might be feeling a little anxious by now. Waiting for that chance to tell me, "Change it if you think it's not right."
I laugh at you.
I can't even get my boss to understand that new doesn't necessarily mean something someone else did that worked.
That makes it not-new.
By default. Of course.